short dragonfish (Eurypegasus draconis)ヘルス天竜Health Tenryu" is a rare storefront health club in Hamamatsu, accessible within walking distance from JR Hamamatsu Station, and full of elements that make you want to drop in on a whim. The reasonable rates make it easy to visit.
There is a wide variety of cast members, including slender, cute, and sexy types. You can choose the type of woman you prefer, and we recommend this as a rare fashion health club in Hamamatsu.
The large number of members is also a feature, so you can enjoy playing with the cast that suits you best. Many new cast members have joined the store, and the number of members exceeds 30. We have various types of women on our roster, from beautiful girls with strong personalities to amateur girls with a soothing personality. Many girls come to work every day, so you may be able to meet the hottest girls.
Since it is a storefront establishment, you can play without having to wait except when it is crowded. Please come to "Health Tenryu" and enjoy a real health service.